Discover key strategies for hiring top remote talent and avoiding common pitfalls. Learn how to build a high-performing remote team with Roots.
Roots combines global expertise with a localized approach, ensuring your contractors are managed efficiently and compliantly. Our services are ideal for businesses in the IT, programming, and marketing sectors looking to scale their remote teams.
Simplified contractor onboarding
Compliance with local labor laws
Timely and accurate payments
Dedicated support for contractor management
Roots simplify the process of hiring and managing independent contractors across borders. We ensure compliance, timely payments, and seamless contractor engagement.
It’s a service that helps businesses manage independent contractors across different countries, ensuring compliance and timely payments.
Roots offers a streamlined process, local expertise, and dedicated support to ensure your contractors are managed effectively.
Yes, we manage payments in various currencies, ensuring your contractors are paid on time.
Discover key strategies for hiring top remote talent and avoiding common pitfalls. Learn how to build a high-performing remote team with Roots.
Discover the top remote jobs for 2025, the industries driving demand, and why hiring remotely is the future.
Are you looking to expand your global workforce? Consider the benefits of hiring remote professionals from Latin America. In this article will explore the advantages that contractors can bring to your team and how their diverse backgrounds can enhance the success of your projects. Discover why Latin American talent, with the assistance of Roots EOR, may be the perfect fit for your company’s needs.