
Hiring international, a safe way to earn more money

Hiring international, a safe way to earn more money

But before doing so, consider these factors to increase your chances of hiring success.

1. Labor laws and compliance

Countries have their own unique labor laws that govern work hours, severance payments, workplace health and safety, and other work conditions. U.S. employers have a duty to investigate and adhere to these rules even if this conflicts with the company handbook or means employees in the U.S. receive different treatment.

2. Payroll

When hiring internationally, U.S.-based companies face a number of challenges around paying employees accurately, timely, and securely.

3. Benefits administration

To compete for international talent and remain compliant, a U.S.-based company will have to adjust their benefits offerings and time-off policies for employees in other countries.
Depending on the country, there might be stipulations regarding the following benefits:

  • Health and medical insurance
  • Paid holidays
  • Vacation, sick leave, and parental leave
  • Pension contributions
4. Cultural differences

Hiring employees in other countries requires cultural competence, as it increases the chances of filling roles from abroad and maximizing the benefits of a diverse workforce.

International hiring

There are several important factors to keep in mind when hiring international employees. Given the popularity and convenience of remote work, U.S. companies can tap into international talent to fill high-demand, hard-to-fill roles. However, they need to follow other countries’ laws regarding work conditions before reaping the rewards of hiring in other countries. An EOR provides on-the-ground resources and services to ensure a U.S.-based employer remains compliant when hiring international employees. Want to know more about us?
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Diego Mourelos

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