3 part-time work from home jobs

Set your own schedule and work from the comfort of your home with these jobs.
Now that people are heading back to the office, you may be wondering how you can keep working from home. The good news is that many employers seem to be embracing remote work as a permanent option for their staff.
But what if you only want to work part time? Fortunately, you can work many part-time jobs from home. Here are three of the best (Data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics)
1.Financial Advisor
Median salary: $88,890
Education required: Bachelor’s degree
Nearly 20% of personal financial advisors are self-employed, according to the BLS, and these workers can set their own hours and working conditions. Thanks to videoconferencing and document-signing apps, financial advisors can work with clients virtually to create budgets, review retirement plans and recommend investments. Even financial advisors who work for a firm may find they have the opportunity to meet with clients remotely from home.
2. Information Security Analyst
Median salary: $103,590
Education required: Bachelor’s degree
Thanks to computer networks and cloud applications, many IT jobs can be done wherever workers have access to a laptop and the internet. Information security analysts are responsible for keeping networks and data safe from cybercriminals. They may create a security plan, oversee its implementation and recommend upgrades to software and hardware as needed.
3. Software Developer
Median salary: $110,140
Education required: Bachelor’s degree
Software developers have an ideal job for remote work. They create system and application software and don’t need to be in an office to do it. Instead, they can work from any location with internet access to design software, oversee its creation and test it for bugs. While many software developers work full time, according to the BLS, there are also part-time opportunities for those who want to work on an hourly or contractual basis.
As we can see, working remotely seems to be something that is getting more and more common. So many companies are hiring employees from different parts of the world. Would you like your company to start doing but you don´t know how to? Contact Us