4 ways to increase your productivity at work

It happened to you that you started the day making a list of things to do and when it ends you couldn’t even finish half of it?
Being productive at work can be difficult. Managing your time in ways that are conducive to your productivity is key… but it can sometimes be hard to know where to start.
Try incorporating these tips to increase that productive flow and work smarter!
Stop multitasking
According to neuroscience professor Earl K. Miller, “multitasking is not humanly possible.” We’re fooling ourselves when we say we can easily juggle phone calls, presentations, and eating lunch. Focus on one task at a time, and you’ll end up completing it faster.
Take breaks
Studies show taking regular breaks helps concentration and boosts your mood. Take a five-minute walk around the office or spend 15 minutes grabbing that mid-afternoon coffee.
Set small goals
Sometimes, looking at our goals can be overwhelming. Seeing a handful of big projects on our calendar can be stressful but if you break it up into smaller tasks, you’ll feel more in control and will be much more productive. Rather than write down “finish project,” break that into all the tasks it will take. This will keep you on track in your day-to-day and make the bigger projects seem less daunting.
Take care of the biggest tasks when you’re most alert
Understanding when and how you work best is key to getting those big projects done on time. There’s no set schedule that works for everyone. If you’re a morning person, tackle the big tasks first thing in your day.
Not every day will be perfectly productive; don’t beat yourself up over it. Instead, refocus your energy and implement these tips and you will see good results. Not only you, but your company will also notice it. And all companies want to have employees who meet the objectives.
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