3 benefits of working with a diverse team

In addition to personal growth, having diverse teams improves your company’s performance. Find out why.

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Limit ‘Groupthink’

Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that happens within a group of people who all conform to the same way of thinking. The intention is generally good, but the results can be damaging.

By working with a diverse range of people you’re a lot less likely to fall into groupthink, and you’re a lot more likely to learn new things.

For example, learning about other cultures helps us understand different perspectives within the world. It can also help dispel negative stereotypes or personal biases about different groups.

By working with a diverse team, you have more of an opportunity to learn. Diverse teams are also proven to solve problems faster, which is a win-win for employee and employer.

Increase your creativity

Being around, and accepting, people from different backgrounds will make you more open-minded and get your creativity flowing. In a more recent study by Forbes it was reported that diverse teams are 66% more creative. Why is this? If your team has an inclusive culture, it’s likely that you and your team feel comfortable sharing ideas and experiences. It’s also been shown that being exposed to different cultures and different types of people can influence our creativity.

Learn new skills

Professional development and continuous learning are great but they often require a significant time commitment or investment. A cheap and enjoyable alternative is to start paying attention to the people you spend your days with. Invite someone out for coffee and get to know more about their role. Schedule a meeting with a colleague whose work you admire. Ask about their career journey and how they’ve strengthened their skills.

remote and diverse team

Today, thanks to remote work, teams can be very diverse. Are you interested in hiring employees from another part of the world in a legal way? Contact us! We do that job for you:  Contact us 

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